Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Tri-City Sold

Braves WIL Franchise Sold to Fans
RICHLAND, Dec. 3—Tri-City Athletic Association announced Wednesday it has purchased the Tri-City baseball club for $26,000 and will operate a team in the Western International League next season.
The association said it bought all the stock owned by general manager Dick Richards and has given notes to other major stockholders who own one-seventh interest.
Tri-City fans collected $12,000 toward the purchase and the association said it will start a drive for another $28,000 to provide working capital and to pay off all the notes.

Deal Puts Gassaway On Spot
[Tri-City Herald, Dec. 4, 1952]
The long negotiations for purchasing the Tri-City Braves by the Tri-City Athletic association has put last season's manager, Charlie Gassaway, on the spot.
Gassaway, who has a family including a three-month-old baby to feed, doesn't know whether he has a job or not. He has applied for his post with the Braves again.
But Harold Matheson told Gassaway that it is too early to tell whether he will get the job. The outcome depends first on raising the money needed to close the deal.
Some $28,000 will have to be collected to buy the club and have operating capital for next year.
Gassaway had signed a contract with Dick Richards, general manager, and would have the job with him if the franchise were moved.
Meanwhile, Gassaway has received another offer and a good one. He is attending the major-minor league meeting in Phoenix, Ariz., where such deals are made.
As a playing manager, Gassaway became a free agent at the season's end and. could conceivably take the offer if he is released by Richards. However, he is hoping to await the decision of the association but if he waits too long, the offer will slip away,
So Gassaway is sweating it out and he may make a jump soon.
Meanwhile, it was announced from Victoria that the Tyees have signed Cec Garriot for another season. Garriot is also attending the Phoenix meeting.

by Gil Gilmore

[Tri-City Herald, Dec. 4, 1952]
The dickering for the ball dub has taken a long time but it has paid off. The $42,000 price tag put on the club by Dick Richards is a long way from $26,000 the Athletic Association will pay for the club.
Not only that, the purchase price includes everything and the baseball fans owe a vote of thanks to Harold Matheson and other members of the association who devoted a lot of time and effort to working out a deal.
Also the Tri-City Booster club board, headed by Mike Cronin, deserves a hand for the time and effort they have spent in raising the present $12,000. Now the Boosters have a harder job cut out for them.
In order to dose the deal and have money to operate next year, they will have to raise some $28,000 more. The Association doesn't want to go into the hole before the season starts.
When you have a ball team it takes good players and good players cost money. In the WIL, one will run any where from $500 to $1,000 each. Spring training costs, too.
So fans, don't let down now. Cronin is confident that this thing can be put over the top. I am too. We
can have a good class A team here next year if every one gets behind and gives a push. A definite goal has been set. So send your money in now.

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