Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Dewey Settles In

Dewey Here, But Just For Look

[Vancouver Province, Dec. 19, 1952]
Dewey Soriano got his first look this morning at his new summer headquarters, and was “amazed.” He described the relatively new Capilano Stadium as “one of the best minor league ball parks” he’d ever seen and said he’s looking forward to moving into the general manager’s office in January.
The Western International League team’s new g.m. is paying a flying two-day visit to confer with his predecessor—WIL president-elect Bob Brown—and officials of the sponsoring brewery. He’s also planning to take in tonight’s hockey game—a “great game.”
Soriano admitted he was devoid of news—he couldn’t say where the Caps would train or who the 1953 manager will be. “Try me in January,” he said.
He did volunteer one thing though, and Little League and Pony League officials can take note of this: “I like the way they’re boosting kids’ baseball here. I’ll certainly give them all the help I can.”
Dewey said he was happy, too, that Bob Brown will be so close at hand in his new job. “I feel a lot better knowing Bob is around keeping an eye on things,” he said. “The WIL couldn’t have found a better man.”

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