Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Charlie Says But What About Me?

Fletcher Interview Is Set For Monday
Association Leaders Talk With Johnson
[Tri-City Herald, Dec. 23, 1952]
Grumpy Guy Fletcher of Sacramento is next on the list of persons to be interviewed for the job as playing -manager of the Tri-City Braves.
The Tri-City Athletic Association and the Tri-City Booster club officials talked with former Seattle hurler Earl Johnson Monday night about the job. No commitment was made and the association told Johnson they would think it over.
Meanwhile, the same groups plan to meet with Fletcher next Monday. Fletcher will bring with him Mike Radan, also of Sacramento, who is considered top prospect for business manager.
A decision on playing manager is expected after the group meets with Fletcher. Harold Matheson, president of the association, said they do not plan to meet with anyone else.
Both Fletcher and Radan were recommended to the association by catcher Nick Pesut, who incidentally, is a Booster Club member by virtue of having purchased shares of stock. The two men were also recommended by Jojo White who was once considered for the playing manager job.
Meanwhile, the association is sending last season’s manager Charlie Gassaway a letter explaining their position pertaining to his job. The association is not “shutting the door” on Gassaway Matheson said, but “we want him to know others are being considered.”
Through a misunderstanding, Gassaway believed he was to be retained as manager under the new setup. Matheson said he did not learn of this until Monday when Gassaway called and asked authority to purchase some players from Cleveland.
Although, in theory, Gassaway is still being considered, the choice of playing manager is quite certain to be either Fletcher of Johnson.
At the interview Tuesday night, the association and Booster members discussed Johnson's possibilities and his plans. Johnson pointed out he has good connections through organized ball.
Johnson, like Gassaway and Fletcher, is a former Pacific Coast Conference pitcher. Johnson was with the Boston Red Sox before coming to Seattle in 1951.
Those attending the meeting were Matheson, Kit Campbell, Charlie Jenkins, Dwight Hendricks, Fred Huber, Joe Cronan, Elmer Matheson, Mike Cronin, Steve Johnson, Hazy Hayes and Lou Lindler.

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