Thursday, 13 March 2008

Pre-Season, Vancouver

Here’s Who’s Who on the Caps ’53 Roster

By Clancy Loranger
[Vancouver Province, April 21, 1953]
Who’s who on the baseball Caps, who open the 1953 Western International League season against Lewiston Broncs at Cap Stadium Thursday.
General manager—DEWEY SORIANO, 32, former major league and coast league pitcher (now “slightly” out of shape) got his front office experience with Yakima as a club president, won a pennant there. A sincere, straightforward operator, he’ll bring some new ideas to Cap Stadium.
Manager—HARVEY STOREY, 36, long-time Coast League star whose legs aren’t as springy as they once were but whose eye definitely has not dimmed. He’ll give the Caps a solid third base performance and provide the cleanup punch. As a manager—it’s his first attempt, so what knows?
PETE HERNANDEZ, 23, righthander, acknowledged ace of the staff. A 17-game winner for the Caps in 1951. Pete has had some control trouble in spring training.
JOHN (BUD) GULDBORG, 28, righthander, had a spring trial with San Francisco. He won 15 for the Caps in 1952, has to lick a home park “jinx” to better that mark this year,
VAN FLETCHER, 24, righthander, won 14 last year despite the fact he smokes a cigar before breakfast every morning.
JIM HEDGECOCK, 30, lefthander, sat out last season for personal reasons. In better shape than he’s ever been, Jim should give the Caps the southpaw strength they lacked last season.
DALE THOMASON, 23, righthander, won nine for second division Lewiston club last season. He’s quiet-spoken, conscientious.
ROD MACKAY, 22, righthander, he’s a local boy trying to make good. Impress in camp with excellent control.
ROD OWEN, 23, righthander, another Vancouver boy. Played pro ball at Aberdeen in Northern League, had 3-2 record there.
LONNIE MYERS, 21, righthander. Taking first whirl at Class A ball. Won 12 in Class C in 1952.
BOB STUART, righthander, also in Class C last year.
CARL GUNNARSON, 33 (it says here), lefthander, he’s club trainer, road secretary, batting practice pitcher, and possibly a relief pitcher in 1953.
JIM WERT, 26, first baseman, and one of the league’s best. Jim dropped to disappointing .288 last year, is a better hitter tan that.
GORDON HERNANDEZ, 26, Pete’s big brother, second baseman. A .315 hitter in Class C in ’52, he showed considerable authority with bat in spring, could be one of the Caps’ best clubmen.
CHUCK DAVIS, 22, shortstop with a wide range and pretty fair arm. He has to prove himself at bat, though.
JACK BUKOWATZ, 22, handy utility man who plays second, third or short with considerable success. He’s no Ruth at bat, however.
FRANK MASCARO, 23, is slated for right field. Has terrific throwing arm, and hits ball hard. Had .348 average with Yakima in 1951 before entering service.
DICK BRISKEY, 25, finds himself in this category for the first time. Former Yakima shortstop, he had fling with San Francisco, was hitting well down south. Still has to learn outfield trade.
NICK CASTAS, 21, is only other outfielder in camp at present. Only pro experience is part of one year in Class C.
DON LUNDBERG, 23, just acquired from Tulsa via Seattle, he has shown improvement each year. Has very good arm, hits a long ball.
JIM LEAVITT, 22, just acquired on option from Sacramento. He finished last season with the Caps.
JACK JOHNSON, 21, he’s built on lines of a Mack truck, hits hard, but needs lots of polish in catching trade.

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