Thursday, 13 March 2008

Pre-Season, Saturday, April 11, 1953

Lewiston Nine Trips Vandals
MOSCOW, Idaho, April 11 — A sudden seventh-inning snow storm broke up an exhibition baseball game Saturday and sent the Lewiston Broncos hustling back to the "Banana belt" with a 7-3 victory over the University of Idaho.
The Western International League Broncs, training at home where the weather is usually mild this time of year, collected eight hits — all singles — off three Vandal pitchers. Chuck Finley, the Idaho coach, threw up his hands when the brief but heavy snow began falling. The pros agreed, it was time to quit.
Lewiston ...... 003 103—7 8 2
Idaho .......... 010 020—3 5 1
Arntzen, Swan (6) and Helmuth; Melton, McComas (5), Reynolds (5) and Ogle.

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