Monday, 10 March 2008

Bob Brown on Alberta Expansion

Caps GM Says
Prairies Can Gain WIL Entry
[Vancouver Province, Sept. 30, 1952]
Calgary and Edmonton can gain entry to the Western International League at the annual meeting of that loop on November 10.
That is the opinion of local baseball boss Bob Brown, who returned Monday from a WIL end-of-season conference in Seattle.
“Acceptance of the two Alberta clubs was discussed informally,” said the general manager of the local Capilanos. “The feeling seemed to be in favor of them coming in.”
There was no thought of dropping any of the clubs presently in the WIL, Brown said. If certain clubs which had difficult seasons this year wanted to stay in they could do so. The thought was that the league would expand to 10 clubs if Calgary and Edmonton came in.
“There would have to be responsible backing for the prairie clubs,” he said “I believe they have that now. If they make proper representation at our November 10 meeting, nothing can stop them.
“Of course I’m only one vote, but that is my feeling about the situation.”

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