Monday, 21 July 2008

WIL All-Stars

At Least Eight and Possibly 10 Will Open '54 WIL Term
VANCOUVER, Oct. 8 — At least eight and possibly 10 clubs will be in the Western International League when the 1954 baseball season opens next April, league president Bob Brown said Wednesday.
Mr. Brown made the statement when he announced the 1953 all-star teams, chosen by newspaper sport writers. He said that “contrary to reports” the league is not collapsing. Structure of the league for 1954 will be “definitely settled at the annual meeting of the circuit in Victoria on Nov. 9.”
Of the 14 men picked for the first team, Salem and Spokane led with three each. Edmonton, Yakima and Tri-City each had two, Vancouver and Victoria one. Shut out of the first-team selections were Wenatchee, Calgary and Lewiston. First all-star team- First base, John Weaver, Edmonton and Len Noren, Yakima, tie; second base, Len Tran, Tri-City; third base, Harvey Storey, Vancouver; shortstop, Gene Tanselli, Salem; three outfielders, Bob Wellman, Yakima, Stan Palys, Spokane, Granny Gladstone, Victoria, and Jim Deyo, Salem, tie; catcher, Jack Warren, Tri-City; two right-handed pitchers, Jack Spring and Arthur Worth, both Spokane.
Second team - First base, Vic Buccola, Tri-City; second base, Hugh Luby, Salem and Jim Brown, Spokane, tie; third base, Jim Command, Spokane and Ken Richardson, Lewiston, tie; shortstop, Jim Clark, Vancouver and Wilbur Johnson, Spokane, tie; three outfilders, Will Hafey, Spokane, Al Heist, Lewiston, Connie Perez, Salem and Des Charouhas, Tri-City, tie; catcher, Bill Sheets, Spokane and Dick Morgan. Edmonton, tie; two left-handed pitchers, Joe Nicholas, Salem, Bill Brenner, Lewiston, Pete Hernandez, Vancouver and Van Fletcher, Vancouver, tie; left-handed pitcher, Henry Botelho, Wenatchee.


Unknown said...

Hi. I am a friend of the Luby family and always looking for things to show them. Do you allow printing of your blogs? thanks. Dennis in Portland.

Unknown said...

I love your historical writings on the Pacific coast leagues. Excellent read. Thanks.